Skin Care

Quick Facts on Anti-Wrinkle Injections, What You Can Expect, and How to Quickly Recover

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections have become a popular alternative to cosmetic surgery, and there are a lot of good reasons for this. One excellent reason is that it is a quick and relatively painless procedure, and the results are semi-permanent. Apart from this, it’s a procedure that doesn’t have any safety issues or risks, and it can effectively address problem areas when it comes to wrinkles, such as the forehead, brow line, the area around the eyes and mouth, and much more. But if you are thinking of trying it out for yourself, it’s best to know what it’s all about, what you can expect, and how you can quickly recover. Here are the quick facts on anti-wrinkle injections you should know.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

The basics of the procedure

As mentioned, the procedure is relatively painless, and it makes use of ultra-fine needles that are injected into the targeted areas and administered by a professional. The professional must be skilled enough to know different variables, such as the amount of the injectable, the location, and more.

Prior to the procedure, you will have a consultation with a nurse and doctor and they will determine your medical history and suitability for treatment. Once you are determined suitable, you will be asked particular questions regarding the areas you want treated, and you will also receive an explanation of how the procedure will go and how long it will last. Most procedures will last from only 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the areas, and your face will be cleansed and prepared prior to the injection. You may be asked if you want a numbing cream applied to the areas to decrease potential discomfort, and some centres apply ice to the areas as well.

What you can expect

There may be a slight stinging sensation once the needle is injected, but this doesn’t last long – it takes only a few seconds. Some centres, such as Look Lovely London, make use of microfine needles that are even better than the fine needles used by other centres which are similar to insulin needles.

When it is finished, you can expect the results to start showing in about three days, although the final results should be more apparent in about seven to ten days. There may be some potential side effects, such as bruising and swelling or redness, and there may also be a bit of tenderness around the areas. But these are minor effects that should go away on their own in a few days.

How you can quickly recover

The fact that anti-wrinkle injections are not as uncomfortable and painful as cosmetic surgery and show fast results makes it a popular option for many, and there really is no ‘recovery period’ to speak of – you can even go back to work as soon as the treatment is done. But if you want to maximise the effects of the treatment, you should always follow the clinic or centre’s instructions. You should also avoid lying down or sleeping for about three to four hours after the procedure because you may unconsciously rub or press on the treated areas. On the evening after your treatment, sleep with an elevated head to help with the swelling. Avoid strenuous exercises or straining or bending for about 24 hours, and limit your heat and sun exposure until the redness or swelling subsides completely.

About the author

Deepak Rupnar

Deepak Rupnar is the editor at Top Web Search and loves contributing to topics on Technology, Business, Finance, and Social Media to name a few. Deepak has completed his post graduation in Journalism and has worked with many leading newspapers and digital agencies. He is a tech enthusiast and a sports freak.